Friday, March 20, 2020

The disciples all leaving him, fled

Saint Matthew - Chapter 26

The disciples all leaving him, fled. J-J Tissot
[55] In illa hora dixit Jesus turbis : Tamquam ad latronem existis cum gladiis et fustibus comprehendere me : quotidie apud vos sedebam docens in templo, et non me tenuistis.
In that same hour Jesus said to the multitudes: You are come out as it were to a robber with swords and clubs to apprehend me. I sat daily with you, teaching in the temple, and you laid not hands on me.

[56] Hoc autem totum factum est, ut adimplerentur Scripturae prophetarum. Tunc discipuli omnes, relicto eo, fugerunt.
Now all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then the disciples all leaving him, fled.

Totus tuus ego sum 
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam 

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