Sunday, December 15, 2019

Christ stills the tempest

Saint Mark - Chapter 4

Christ asleep in the storm. J-J Tissot
[35] Et ait illis in illa die, cum sero esset factum : Transeamus contra.
And he saith to them that day, when evening was come: Let us pass over to the other side.

[36] Et dimittentes turbam, assumunt eum ita ut erat in navi : et aliae naves erant cum illo.
And sending away the multitude, they take him even as he was in the ship: and there were other ships with him.

[37] Et facta est procella magna venti, et fluctus mittebat in navim, ita ut impleretur navis.
And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that the ship was filled.

[38] Et erat ipse in puppi super cervical dormiens : et excitant eum, et dicunt illi : Magister, non ad te pertinet, quia perimus?
And he was in the hinder part of the ship, sleeping upon a pillow; and they awake him, and say to him: Master, doth it not concern thee that we perish?

Christ stills the storm. J-J Tissot
[39] Et exsurgens comminatus est vento, et dixit mari : Tace, obmutesce. Et cessavit ventus : et facta est tranquillitas magna.
And rising up, he rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: Peace, be still. And the wind ceased: and there was made a great calm.

[40] Et ait illis : Quid timidi estis? necdum habetis fidem? et timuerunt timore magno, et dicebant ad alterutrum : Quis, putas, est iste, quia et ventus et mare obediunt ei?
And he said to them: Why are you fearful? have you not faith yet? And they feared exceedingly: and they said one to another: Who is this (thinkest thou) that both wind and sea obey him?

Saint Luke - Chapter 8

[22] Factum est autem in una dierum : et ipse ascendit in naviculam, et discipuli ejus, et ait ad illos : Transfretemus trans stagnum. Et ascenderunt.
And it came to pass on a certain day that he went into a little ship with his disciples, and he said to them: Let us go over to the other side of the lake. And they launched forth.

[23] Et navigantibus illis, obdormivit, et descendit procella venti in stagnum, et complebantur, et periclitabantur.
And when they were sailing, he slept; and there came down a storm of wind upon the lake, and they were filled, and were in danger.

[24] Accedentes autem suscitaverunt eum, dicentes : Praeceptor, perimus. At ille surgens, increpavit ventum, et tempestatem aquae, et cessavit : et facta est tranquillitas.
And they came and awaked him, saying: Master, we perish. But he arising, rebuked the wind and the rage of the water; and it ceased, and there was a calm.

[25] Dixit autem illis : Ubi est fides vestra? Qui timentes, mirati sunt ad invicem, dicentes : Quis putas hic est, quia et ventis, et mari imperat, et obediunt ei?And he said to them: Where is your faith? Who being afraid, wondered, saying one to another: Who is this, (think you), that he commandeth both the winds and the sea, and they obey him?

Totus tuus ego sum 
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam 

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