Thursday, January 9, 2020

Jesus walking on the sea

Saint Matthew - Chapter 14

Jesus walking on the sea. J-J Tissot
[23] Et dimissa turba, ascendit in montem solus orare. Vespere autem facto solus erat ibi :
And having dismissed the multitude, he went into a mountain alone to pray. And when it was evening, he was there alone.

[24] navicula autem in medio mari jactabatur fluctibus : erat enim contrarius ventus.
But the boat in the midst of the sea was tossed with the waves: for the wind was contrary.

[25] Quarta enim vigilia noctis, venit ad eos ambulans super mare.
And in the fourth watch of the night, he came to them walking upon the sea.

[26] Et videntes eum super mare ambulantem, turbati sunt, dicentes : Quia phantasma est. Et prae timore clamaverunt.
And they seeing him walk upon the sea, were troubled, saying: It is an apparition. And they cried out for fear.

[27] Statimque Jesus locutus est eis, dicens : Habete fiduciam : ego sum, nolite timere.
And immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying: Be of good heart: it is I, fear ye not.

Totus tuus ego sum 
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam 

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