Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Explanation of the parable of the sower

St Matthew Chapter XIII : Verses 18-23


  • Matt. xiii. 18-23.  Douay-Rheims text & Latin text (Vulgate).
  • Notes on the text

Matt. xiii. 18-23

The sower went forth to sow.  J-J Tissot.
Hear you therefore the parable of the sower.
Vos ergo audite parabolam seminantis.

19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, there cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart: this is he that received the seed by the way side.
Omnis qui audit verbum regni, et non intelligit, venit malus, et rapit quod seminatum est in corde ejus : hic est qui secus viam seminatus est.

20 And he that received the seed upon stony ground, is he that heareth the word, and immediately receiveth it with joy.
Qui autem super petrosa seminatus est, hic est qui verbum audit, et continuo cum gaudio accipit illud :

21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but is only for a time: and when there ariseth tribulation and persecution because of the word, he is presently scandalized.
non habet autem in se radicem, sed est temporalis : facta autem tribulatione et persecutione propter verbum, continuo scandalizatur.

22 And he that received the seed among thorns, is he that heareth the word, and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choketh up the word, and he becometh fruitless.
Qui autem seminatus est in spinis, hic est qui verbum audit, et sollicitudo saeculi istius, et fallacia divitiarum suffocat verbum, et sine fructu efficitur.

23 But he that received the seed upon good ground, is he that heareth the word, and understandeth, and beareth fruit, and yieldeth the one an hundredfold, and another sixty, and another thirty.
Qui vero in terram bonam seminatus est, hic est qui audit verbum, et intelligit, et fructum affert, et facit aliud quidem centesimum, aliud autem sexagesimum, aliud vero trigesimum.


    18. Hear you therefore, etc. question as to what this parable might be, and He prefaced his explana¬ tion with this question : Are you ignorant.of this parable ? and how shall you know all parables ? (St Mark). If they did not understand this simple parable, how would they grasp all other parables which He might utter ?
    Explanation of the Parable.
    The sower                                
        He that soweth.
(a) Jesus Christ.
(b) His apostles.
(c) All who try to lead others to God.
    The seed
        The word,i.e. those truths which Jesus Christ taught, and which are contained in —
(a) The Scriptures.
(b) The teaching and traditions of the Church.
    The way side
        Indifferent and careless Christians ; also those who harden their hearts against the truths of Christianity, and refuse to accept them.
     The birds of the air
        Satan, “the wicked one,” the devil.
    Stony ground
        Those who are shallow and impulsive, and who are governed rather by their impressions and emotions than by faith and reason.
    The scorching sun
        Trials, temptations, and persecutions for the faith.
    The thorny ground
        Those who are engrossed with the cares of this world, and who love wealth and pleasure more than God.
    The good ground
        Those who are seriously determined to serve God, and to put Him first in their daily life.
    19. he that received the seed, etc. Lit. “ This is he that was sown by the way side ” (οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ παρὰ τὴν ὁδὸν σπαρείς), where the man is identified with the seed. The seed is always good, but its productiveness depends on the nature of the soil, i.e. on the dispositions of the recipient.

Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam.

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